Create a wordpress store with invoicesonline integration part 1
Welcome to our step by step tutorial on creating your very own online shop based on Wordpress, WooCommerce, & with Invoices Online integration.
Hosting & Installing Wordpress
The first thing you need is a PHP website host, if you need reliable hosting, we can assist with this - or you may want to sign up with any other provider that provides linux, php, & mysql hosting. Don't worry about the technical details, just ensure they have those 3 things available to you.
Download Wordpress
After setting up your website with a host, you'll need to download Worpress from
Go to the folder where you downloaded wordpress, and extract it.
Next you'll need to upload the extracted files to your website host - you can use ftp for this, and there's a great free utility available called FileZilla - - Get the FileZilla Client from here, and install it. After installation, use it to connect to your website with the details supplied to you by your hosting provider. I recommend following the famous 5 minute setup instructions here:
In part 2 we'll help you set up & configure WooCommerce.