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If you have a Wordpress site running WooCommerce, you can install our plugin to automate pro-forma invoices, invoices, payments, and client creation to InvoicesOnline.

Basic Workflow

  1. Client completes checkout -> Client is automatically created on InvoicesOnline, and a Pro-forma Invoice is created.
  2. Payment received through any payment gateway -> Pro-forma Invoice is converted to an Invoice and Payment is assigned in InvoicesOnline.
  3. If a payment was made without a payment gateway -> Pro-forma Invoice is converted to an Invoice and Payment is assigned when you mark the order as complete in WP Admin -> WooCommerce.


  • You have the option to turn on emails from InvoicesOnline, which would ensure all documents get emailed to the client from your InvoicesOnline account.  If turned off (default), no emails are sent, and download links are provided on the various order related pages in your site.


  • You require at least a Platinum account with InvoicesOnline in order to acquire API Access.  API settings is available from Settings -> API Access in Invoicing Mode.
  • Your server requires cURL.  It is installed by default on 99% of servers.  If it isn't, please get in touch with your website host.

Our plugin includes automatic update abilities - once an update becomes available, please update it.


  1. From Plugins in Wordpress Admin, select Add New.
  2. Search for Invoices Online.
  3. Click install.

Note that the plugin requires WooCommerce to be installed.

More than 1,000 businesses operate more efficiently with us.

Instantaneous, Nicely Designed, Graphical Invoices

Selling backtracks and popular songs by South African artists in our online shop required an online invoicing system that sends instantaneous, nicely designed, graphical invoices in pdf format to clients that made realtime purchases on our site. provided us with the perfect solution, their API integration enabled our clients to view their invoices and account balance right in our site. We are very satisfied with

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