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Effectively manage your clients

With some of our businesses having over 10,000 clients on record, it is important to manage clients properly.

Proper Configuration

Under Settings -> Interface, you should set Client Selection to "Search by Typing" which will show a search box everywhere you need to select a client.  Once you reach around 150 clients, it becomes more efficient than displaying all clients in a dropdown select box.  You can type any part of the clients' name, email address, or id, to have matching clients displayed instantly.

Deleting or Unmarking Active

Clients that hasn't been issued any documents can be deleted.  As soon as a client has been issued something, he can no longer be deleted, as we allow clients to login and view all their generated documents.  Clients like these can be marked as inactive though by unchecking the Active checkbox when editing the client, or viewing the Clients page.  These inactive clients won't show up in searches or on any place where you need to select a client.

Restoring Active Status

Clients' active status can be restored from the Clients page.  First check the Include Inactive Clients checkbox at the top of the page, and then use the page as you normally would.

More than 1,000 businesses operate more efficiently with us.

Wish I started ages ago!

I just want to compliment you and your team for an amazing back office software.

I have been struggling with a proper invoicing solution for six months now (to make time each month)

I just wish I started using Invoices Online ages ago.

Terri Winfield
valued client Henry's Home Renovations
Henry's Home Renovations
valued client AMS Ambu Medical Supplies
AMS Ambu Medical Supplies
valued client Super Sound Man (PTY) Ltd
Super Sound Man (PTY) Ltd
valued client IAS Logistics (Pty) Ltd T/A MULTITRANSIT
IAS Logistics (Pty) Ltd T/A MULTITRANSIT
valued client NGB HOLDINGS PTY LTD
valued client SMART GUY PCS (PTY) LTD
valued client Tracknetics
valued client BD Maintenance
BD Maintenance
valued client Cooper Logistics (Pty) Ltd
Cooper Logistics (Pty) Ltd
valued client Lizzy Pop PTY(Ltd)
Lizzy Pop PTY(Ltd)
valued client All Trucking Solutions
All Trucking Solutions
valued client TechnoDezi PTY(LTD)
TechnoDezi PTY(LTD)
valued client Lily Fern & Co
Lily Fern & Co
valued client CGHK Enterprises (PTY) LTD
CGHK Enterprises (PTY) LTD